donderdag 30 januari 2025

run 10


maandag 27 januari 2025

Windy run

9th run today. Same out and back to the sea that I can do from home, about 6k if I turn around at first seaglimpse, further if I go right down and along to the end. Short version today as I knew I'd have the wind against me on the way back. Running about doubles the distance of our main dog walk of the day, which I normally do at a much slower pace in wellies. Ragnar is still young and fit enough to do this distance and we both enjoy it as he can be off the lead for most of it, though I clip him on if I see a cyclist in the distance. He doesn't chase them but I know that some find big dogs running loose a bit scary so I like to avoid any unneccessary angst.

vrijdag 24 januari 2025

run 8

 8th run of this year today.

Again down to 't Kuitje and back

Wind behind me on the way out, against me on the way back. Other way round would have been better but hey ho, no complaints.
(No photos.  Forgot.) 

dinsdag 21 januari 2025

Wet wet wet

Same run down to the sea and back that's becoming my staple route now that I know that both Ragnar and I can do the distance. He can run loose most of the time, if I see walkers or cyclists approaching I clip him onto my belt. I can add a little bit every time - today we went down onto the beach rather than turning back at the first glimpse of the sea from the top of the dyke. Next time I might run a bit further along to the marine base fence which stops us going any further along the coast.

I'm pleased at how easily I seem to have got back into the running habit again. I can barely imagine how last year there was a time when I could hardly get down to the next corner without my lungs squeaking their objections.

zaterdag 18 januari 2025


I kept postponing my run this morning because the mist was so thick and cold and there was a vague promise of the sun breaking through on the local weather app. But ach, I had to go out with the dog anyway and I already had my running kit on so I decided 'just to do a short run' and once I was out I kept going down to the sea. (Still no sign of any sun whatsoever.) Even managed to pick my feet up a bit higher than the absolute minimum of being on that border between running and walking that I've been doing so far. As always, I'm glad I got out and did the run, even though I wasn't bursting with enthusiasm beforehand.

woensdag 15 januari 2025

Kuitje 2


zondag 12 januari 2025



donderdag 9 januari 2025

Beach run


maandag 6 januari 2025

2nd run


vrijdag 3 januari 2025

Ragnar Run

Back again after abandoning this blog for years.

Some of my running in the intervening time is reported in here:

I'm happy to report that Ragnar and I are just back from our first run of 2025. I'm not really one for NY resolutions but am tentatively thinking of aiming for 2 runs a week, without beating myself up if I only manage one sometimes. (Or none if injury or sickness should intervene.)

I had to hunt a bit to find my running belt (stuffed behind the sink in the van). And the right lead with a clip at both ends. And what to wear? In the end I seemed to get it just right - a single shell cotton windproof bodywarmer over the t-shirt and thin sweatshirt I was wearing indoors. Leggings. Woolen gloves and a buff over my ears.
Took it really easy, reminding myself to slow down (not that I was going at any speed to start with) as much as possible. Slow running is different from fast walking in that you lift your full bodyweight off the ground at every step. So even if your progress may well be slower, the benefits are still there.

Ragnar soon got over his astonishment at this new mode of movement and stopped jumping up and down in front of me to settle into his position a couple of metres ahead till we got to the bits where I could let him run loose. No breathing problems. No complaints from my legs. 

Down past the NAM and back.