vrijdag 7 februari 2025


  I'm glad I postponed my run today as the dawn was dull and grey and when I went down to the canal with the dog and my first coffee there was a stilletto sharp east wind coming off it (the canal, not my coffee! tssk) and rather than spending a few minutes watching the cormorants and ducks like I usually do I turned around before even reaching the water. Few hours later there was at least some more light in the sky (even if the actual sun didn't put in more than a few short token appearances) and we got our run down to the sea and back done. In hindsight I should have had my winterweight running breeks on as the chill factor of the wind was high and my thighs and bum never did really get warm. Also kept my thickish gloves on for the whole way there and back and was glad I'd remembered to put some vaseline on my cheeks and lips. Because of the lack of any sort of feeling of my major muscles having warmed up significantly on the way out I didn't try any speedier bits on the way home.

I've upped my frequency for February from every 3 days to alternating 2 and 3 day gaps. (So 2 runs in every 5 days.)

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