maandag 31 oktober 2011

Month total 1132

So if last month I was still 4 minutes behind schedule, that means I'm now a huge 128 minutes in credit. More than 2 full hours. And that without really making any great extra effort, just regularly getting short to averagely long runs in.

Halloween Run

31 min
Start 17.00
Home on time for a quick run before dark.

zondag 30 oktober 2011

Hanneke Cycles

40 min
Start 9.00
(or was it 10.00, was it before or after I'd put the clocks back? Anyway...)
One and a half circuits before Hanneke got up and then later got almost to the end of the grounds when Janneke phoned that she was at the gate so Hanneke sped back on the bike and I ran back more slowly. (Forgot to take any photos this morning.)

vrijdag 28 oktober 2011

Week total 215

Tables at Sunset

31 min
Start 18.00
Almost put my run off till tomorrow morning as I was busy with other stuff but decided just before it got too late to have a short run about the complex. Saw that someone has set out tresle tables and benches at the big bunkers at the end. Will have to go along sometime tomorrow to see what's going on there.

donderdag 27 oktober 2011

Rens on the Road

54 min
Start 18.00
When I got home I saw I'd had a text from Rens asking why I hadn't waved when he tootered. He passed me on his way home from work. First half hour was hard work with my lungs objecting slightly to the cooling damp air but it seems that after a while they stop complaining and it feels as if they suddenly remember how to inflate properly after the initial cramping and I can breathe freely and run easier.

woensdag 26 oktober 2011


60 min
Start 7.45

maandag 24 oktober 2011

Meandering Monday

36 min
Start 18.15
Wandered about in the nearby fields followed by a circuit of the grounds here to finish off in the last light.

zaterdag 22 oktober 2011

Circle of Light

34 min
Start various times
Last (very) short run with the dogs was to try out my headlamp for the first time this (dark) season. No photos but it was a bit spooky how the dogs' eyes reflected eerily in the circle of lamplight - oddly enough Sproet had glowing red eyes and Joep green (in daylight they're blue and brown).

vrijdag 21 oktober 2011

Week total 308

Lots of short runs with this week's 2 lodgerdogs all add up.

Short and Sunny

32 min
Start 12 & 17.00
Another 2 short runs with the dogs in between doing other stuff.

donderdag 20 oktober 2011

Under the Windturbines

36 min
Start 12 & 17.00

Circuit round the grounds at lunchtime then later on the way back from Benschop a brief run out and back along the path past the windturbines. Would have gone longer but there was a threat of rain which turned into a brief drizzly burst. Didn't want to have 2 wet dogs in the car going back so kept it short.

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

10 legs running

30 min
Start 13 & 18.30

Twice round the grounds with Joep and Sproet together. (They'd both already had a separate morning walk before I'd collected Sproet in Utrecht.)

dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

Field Run

34 min
Start 18.30

Ran out the gate with no real plan other than to listen to the rest of the latest edition of the RunRunLive podcast whilst keeping an eye on the darkening skies and shifting cloud formations to the west. Saw that one of the grass fields by the roundabout had been mown so went and ran about there, eventually crossing a ditch by a plank bridge and heading upfield to Benschop. Came back via the road.

maandag 17 oktober 2011

Twilight Zone

42 min
Start 18.30

Shortish run out along the soggy path to IJsselstein. Grey day so no sunset entertainment.

zondag 16 oktober 2011

Close Encounter of the Highland Kind

80 min
Start 7.30

Out at first light along the water till the sun got over the horizon. Then back through the naturepark where the Highland bull was hanging around at the gate for a photo shoot. I'm almost sure he would have liked me to scratch between his ears as he was doing a lot of demonstrative scratching of his back with his horns but as there are warning signs not to approach closer than 20 meters (and I was already at about 2 meters) I decided not to take the risk of him me mowing me down with his huge bulk.

Back to the harbour where Klaas and Ed were fishing - got a rare picture of me in my new running outfit.

All acquired at the Lidl yesterday for about 32 euro in total. Wonderful winter running breeks with windproof front-of-thighs bit. Thermal undershirt and sleeveless running top in my favourite colour.

zaterdag 15 oktober 2011

Saturday Sunrise

54 min
Start 7.30

Ran up and down the open road to Benschop so that I could see the sky change colour as the earth turned towards the sun. My hands were freezing for the first 20 minutes or so, time to look out my glove collection...

vrijdag 14 oktober 2011

donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Sunset Ijsselstein

64 min
Start 17.30

Heavy going sort of run, started off on the grassy path-with-nettles then back via the Intratuin. I've done this circuit before 5 minutes faster so not sure why I was so slow today.

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

Tempo Tuesday

31 min
Start 7.30
First a slow circuit in the rain with Joep, then a faster one on my own. (Ach, wrong day in the title... ah well, never mind, Tuesday was a non-running day.)

maandag 10 oktober 2011

Joep Online

71 min
Start 17.30
Finally found the long lead I'd somehow lost for the past few weeks. I'd tidied it away in a drawer in a table that had since been placed somewhere else. This meant that I could run further with Joep safely attached to me. So we charged along to the next roundabout where the grassy path begins where he can be let off the lead.

zondag 9 oktober 2011

Sheepish Sunday

66 min
Start 13.00
First a quick circuit this morning before breakfast when Joep arrived then later out for a proper run out along the grassy path to Ijsselstein and back. Joep flushed out 2 pheasants along the way. The sheep watched from the other side of the ditch. Had my heaviest trailshoes on. The onset of proper autumn-type temperatures just made me feel like having warm and dry feet for a change. I've also been having some irritation in the ball of my right foot recently. I suspect it's similar to the heel 'plantar fasciitis' (no idea of the right spelling...) I've been hearing about on various running podcasts. Not pain exactly but a sensitivity which I feel the minimum shoes don't help any. For the time being I feel I need some more padding between me and the ground.

zaterdag 8 oktober 2011

Saturday Sunset

49 min
Start 18.30

Had been feeling irritated about various things all afternoon and realised it was probably because I hadn't been for a decent run for 2 days. (Yesterday's brief excursion was hardly worthy of the name run.) Decided just in time to get out before dark.