Start 16.00
Preparation for the run was, em, fairly negligible but it all went remarkably well, considering. Luckily I had taken the trouble to look at the weather forecast in the morning. The prevailing wind here is SW so I'd been assuming I'd be running from Den Oever towards Friesland but yesterday it was NE5 so the plan changed and I ran in the opposite direction instead. Turned out this was much easier from a practical point of view as the cycle path is on the Waddenzee side so it was easier for Klaas to meet me at various points along the way.

We'd driven over the dijk first from Den Oever and at first glance I'd started thinking that it perhaps wasn't such a great idea after all. The cycle path was at the bottom of the dijk and right next to the motorway so I didn't really think it was going to be much fun to run on.
But luckily I could run on the grass at the top of the dijk, with a view over the sea and the wind behind me - perfect conditions really.

Running went fine - with the wind behind me I was fair flying along.

The old stone kilometer markers at 100m intervals were handy too as I could measure my speed roughly as I went along. Had my heartmeter band on but wasn't really paying it that much attention. Stayed around the 140+ mark most of the time I think, nothing too strenuous. Klaas parked the car at 3 stopping points along the way and I could refill my bottles and take a banana to eat. If I'd had a belt with 4 bottles I could probably have done it without support as it wasn't warm enough for me to need to drink a lot but it was good to break the distance up like this. Also had 2 carb-gels with me and took them at the 1.5 and 2.5 hours points.

Och arme Sproet, dat jij wilt rennen oké dat is je eigen beslissing, maar hij helemaal uitgeteld! Dacht even dat je die man aan het melken was of nog erger:-)
Sproet heeft alleen het begin en het eindstukje gedaan. De 20km in het midden liep ik helemaal alleen.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOké klinkt al beter. Wel leuk dat je nu ook zelf in beeld bent als je rent!