Start 12.15
Beautiful spring sunshine, not too hot to be troublesome. I seem to remember that last year there was a bit more leaf cover from the trees but still, even for me, the sun was a welcome extra rather than a hindrance. Cycled gently for the 45 minutes or so from Soest, gradually warming up. Started off with gloves and light jacket but by the time I was there I was down to the one light cotton top over my running shirt. Missed the warming up as I was getting a plaster at the first aid tent to stop my chip rubbing against my foot.

The 5k started 15 min before us at 12 so we could see them setting off as we waited in the start cages. Great atmosphere. I started off gently and did the first half in 28.40, which is 20 seconds under the 2 hour half-marathon pace. Feet felt fine so tried speeding up a bit in the second half, and although I felt strong and passed a few people there wasn't any real reserve for me to go any faster. Funny really, I reach the end feeling barely even out of breath but I don't seem to be able to get my legs to go any faster than they do, no matter how I 'tell' them to.

Forgot to stop my timer when I crossed the finish line as I saw Janneke and stopped to talk to her. She was there doing some sort of promotion for her work so had a prime place via the VIP tent.
(Just had a mail with the official time.)
Onderdeel Nike Ladies Run
Netto tijd 57:36
Bruto tijd 57:42
Snelheid 10,417 km/uur
Afstand 10 km
Plaats 223e van 758 deelnemers

I was glad I took my 2 x 200ml drink bottles with me as there weren't many official drink posts (only 1?) and if it wasn't for a few families along the route with kids handing out cups of water I think some runners would have had a definite problem. I was able to take a few slurps every 5 minutes or so and didn't have to stop to deal with a cup. Various people commented on and asked about my shoes. Some had read a recent article in the news about them and others just stared in amazement.

When I got home was able to sit in the sun in the garden and go through all the various folders about forthcoming races.
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