vrijdag 11 september 2009

91 min
Start 5.45
Out before first light. Was halfway down the road when I realised I was breathing heavier than I should be and realised I'd forgotten the Ventolin. I could probably have plodded on without it, but as the morning air is colder and damper than it is later in the day I decided not to risk my airways cramping and making things difficult so turned round to go back for it. As there was only the faintest beginnings of lighter grey in the east I stuck to the lit streets for the first 20 minutes or so. Then out over the railway into the polder - I should really have had a flourescent vest on but ach, there was only the very occasional cyclist on the roads and it was by now just light enough to see where I was going. Out to the cyclebridge, which I saw in its open position for the first time as a cargo boat was going through as I approached it. Few streaky clouds letting the light through in places making the horizon a bit more interesting than the greyness behind me but no real spectacular morning light effects.

Glad I got out in time this morning, this week has been a bit of a non-event as far as running's concerned. Wednesday I just couldn't get myself out the door - I really have to get my ipod fixed as it's given up the ghost totally now and it's one of my greatest motivations to enjoy longer runs. Ah well, I should really be toning down the training now in preparation for next week's first 'practise' half-marathon run in Hattem. If I don't have the fitness for it now I'm not going to get it in the last week. I'll do Sunday night, Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening and then have 2 days with just a bit of mild dog/horse walking to keep things ticking over before the main event.

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