Start 16.00
Bit longer than planned due to aimless detour when I lost the orange routemarker poles on the new (to me then) bit of the Soesterduinen which I crossed into. Miraculously my gammy left leg seems to have healed itself. About 10 minutes into the run (during the first 5 minutes of which I'd felt every second step as my left leg jiggered on landing) I stood to try to get a photo of bees landing on the blossom I'd stopped to smell.

I was concentrating on following the unobligingly mobile bees and suddenly realised I was standing with both knees in the straight-lock position, something I haven't been able to do for at least a week. Very odd. Rest of the run was fine, slow and steady. Am now at my desk and can place both legs with my feet flat against the wall if I choose to do so. Have I just had the first ever running injury to heal itself by running rather than resting? Wonder if it had anything to do with my having the GreenJewels on again after them having been languishing in a bag they got left in for a while. I've been alternating wearing various of my other shoes recently, mostly the 'fatter' shoes and the one (too?) long run in the Vibrams last weekend. Still, shoes shouldn't really explain a one-sided problem surely? Ah well, glad normal legservice seems to have been resumed anyway.

Also took a detour through a small colony of chalets, a sort of upmarket trailerpark. Complete with washroom where I could top up my drinkbottles.

Met a beautiful 'wolfdog'. I've only ever met one of these dogs before today. They're crossed with wolves and move in a different way from 'proper' dogs. With a definite loping cadence in their stride which their more 'civilised' cousins have lost. This one kept barking and trying to hide behind his owner when I approached and asked if I could take a photo - definitely not keen on socialising with those outside his pack.
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