101 min
Start 15.00

Inspired by one of the women on the runners messageboard I also contribute to, who did a very muddy cross-country 15-mile challenge at the weekend (and whose board name is Impish) I decided that I could go for a run behind the stables when
Julia was having her riding lesson this afternoon. It's vEry muddy there and usually I saunter along reading a book with my wellies on, whilst Dusty tippytoes around the edges of the worst bits in her supermodel greyhoundy way. Today I just stomped through the mud at speed, getting my shoes spectacularly dirty (note the contrast between the first and the later pics).

Did 40 minutes with Dusty on the road first. Being a fast and long-legged type herself she looked very amused at my attempts at 'speed' and generally seemed to enjoy the novelty of me moving faster than I usually do when out with her. Then had a cup of tea and a biscuit (another very civilised element of the run Impish did - they were offered a teabreak along the route, I thought this was an excellent idea...). Then Julia and I went off to the stables and I ran for an hour there, first through the muddiest bits and then

on for 20 minutes along the cycle path, doing an interval training between the lampposts (first 4 fast, 4 slower, later 5 fast, 4 slower). Reached the start of the polder and could have run round through the village on the way back but wanted to retrace my steps and take in the muddy bit again. Went really well, I enjoyed the contrasts of different sorts of running.
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