91 min
Start 16.30
Misty run out to the Eem, back via the Klompenpad and some soggy field

running over the Eng to make up the 90 minutes. Spotted 4 small deer running along the dyke in front of me. By the time I'd got my camera out only got the last one but if you click on the photo to enlarge it you can see her quite clearly. At one point towards the end of the run I felt I could use a toilet stop. I could have waited till I got home but ach, it was misty and dusk so visibility was poor. I reckoned that as I couldn't see anyone else they couldn't see me and squatted down right in the middle of the big open space. Sproet looked at me in utter amazement. I felt much better for it and enjoyed the last 20 minutes of my run much more than I would have if I'd been longing to get home to the bathroom. Last photo is to show off my Egmond t-shirt and the rest of today's not-too-cold-weather outfit. 2 long sleeved t-shirts under my top short sleeved layer. 2 Buffs, one as hat, one as neckwarmer. Mid-thigh lycra shorts over my leggings.

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