83 min
Start 15.00
Green Jewels
Great excitement when Dusty spotted a hare on the Eng. Thrilling chase with the hare sometimes less than a meter ahead. All movement of dogwalkers round the edges of the fields stopped as everyone was following the high speed duo. After swerving from the windmill right across to the flats they disappeared. Dusty reappeared with her tongue hanging out half a minute later. I assume the hare found some escape into a garden or hedges where she couldn't follow.

I put her on the lead and we trotted out to the Soesterduinen where she could drink some water. Good run about the various dunes and forest paths there, Dusty occasionally playing with other dogs briefly before sprinting off. Running went fine - my calves felt slightly looser than yesterday. Might try a short Vibram break-in run tomorrow.
Start 15.00
Green Jewels

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