61 min
Start 17.30

Spent the first 10 minutes running up and down (and across) lines of maize stubble making nice lines of footprints, 3 each side on alternating sides. Today's was yet another 'Can't be bothered' sort of run which turned into a full hour once I'd got past my initial inertia. There was a really odd light in the sky - sun going down in a hole in the clouds to the right and then a dark heavy snow-filled grey sky on the left that for a while seemed to reflect the sun that was already under the horizon, giving it an evil-looking reddish-black glow. If you saw this sort of light in a horror film you'd think it was clever-if-slightly-overdone photoshopping. I tried to take a photo but it was too dark to make a proper photo without a tripod to allow a long shutter time, and even then I don't know if I'd have been able to capture the effect with my camera.

Running went well once I'd warmed up. Had The Extra Mile podcast thing chuntering on in my ears for the whole hour. I'd like them to maybe put some music in between the talking now and then - the switch function on mYpod is dead again so I can't go on to the next music programme when I feel like it, just have to listen to all my poscasts in sequence.
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