Start 20.30
The back of my left knee felt a bit stiff and awkward at the beginning of my run (I'd been feeling it for a few days, mostly after sitting for too long). I stopped and stretched it a bit when I was at the Eem and just at that moment the podcast I was listening to said that you should never stretch injuries... So I stopped. By the time I finished running I'd forgotten about it ever being a problem.

Another minor 'medical' problem - I had to stop twice for a pee, despite having been just before I left. Could it be the new apple/blackcurrant juice I had in my drinkbottles? Second toilet stop was behind this shed-with-rural-graffiti (which the Dutch pronounce as 'gravity' - drives me daft every time I hear it).

Had a really fast home stretch run with the wonderful song 'Settle Down' by Over the Wall.
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