38 min
Start 21.30
Thick cloud cover meant it got darker sooner

then when the sun is still giving out significant light from beyond the horizon so I didn't go out as long as I'd planned and kept to 2 circuits of the Eng instead of going out onto the roads. Listened to the very first edition of the
Geek Girl Runner podcast during my first circuit. I like the idea of following a show right from its first edition, the other ones I've been listening to have been going for quite some time so I missed their first ventures into the world of podcasting. I laughed out loud at the intro where she explains that this podcast is for runners who have no ambitions to be first in their age

group and are really only in it for the t-shirt. Reminded me of the
mini-tantrum I had when they tried to tell met that I couldn't get a t-shirt at the Utrecht Marathon because I was a last-minute registration. I like how she signs off with 'See you at the finish line.' For some reason this almost brings tears to my eyes.
Second circuit was with the wonderful Vic Galloway and his
Introducing Scotland podcast. Felt like I was flying round the fields as I sped along to various bits of good new music but strangely enough my time was barely faster than the first round. Ah well. Good run.
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