107 min Start 18.30 Ran down to the entrance to the woods at the end of the village which I see every time I stop at the traffic lights before turning left towards Utrecht. Have always thought it looked like a good place to run but had never yet done so. It's a bit further away than the Soesterduinen and a bit of a boring street route to reach it but as I wanted to go for a longer run tonight I went out to see where the path led to. Didn't meet any of the grazing animals (Highlanders too?) that are warned against. Have been thinking more about my plan to run a marathon in every county in the Netherlands.
I suspected the path would come out at Soestdijk Palace (where the present queen grew up and which is now uninhabited since her parents died a few years ago) and, after a while it did.
Ran a quick circuit of the Eng when I got back and got back in right on time for the start of House MD.
The Plan is: to run a marathon in every county in the Netherlands.
Last Dutch county marathon completed!
Zuid Holland ~ Rotterdam, April 1997 4:22 (pre-blog days, so no link to a race report as with my later marathons) Flevoland/Overijssel ~ Urk/Zwolle November 2009 4:53:30 (this is 'cheating' a bit as the race begins in one county and ends in the other, so I'm going to run it again this year to make one whole marathon for each county) And here it is - the second Zuiderzee Marathon, November 2010 5:03(?) Utrecht ~ Utrecht, April 2010 2010 4:52 (no offical time as last minute entry and Utrecht then makes you pay lots of money for practically nothing) Brabant~ Eindhoven, October 2010 4:50:08 (Great crowd support.) Zeeland~ Burgh-Hamstede/Zoutelande, October 2012 5:59:56 (First one where I thought I might DNF.) Noord HollandBeemster, May 2014 (4:45:??? - no official time released)
I watch God's face falling slow slow, even orangier and the clouds are all colors, then after there's streaks and dark coming up so bit-at-a-time I don't see it till it's done. (Room ~ Emma Donaghue)
They drove on into the last of the day's blue, so pale, haunting and intense in the way brief things are. (Romanno Bridge ~ Andrew Greig)
an oyster light that lasts for hours before the sun is actually up and so has about it a diffuse and magical quality (The Weight of Water ~ Anita Shreve)
in the far sky a huge bank of slate-blue cloud was shutting down like a lid on the last, smouldering streak of sunset fire. (The Book of Evidence ~ John Banville)
Oriental sunsets of soupy jade and marmalade (Ghostwritten ~ David Mitchell)
the mournful, bittersweet color of a day's end, that piercing golden bask over the landscape made all the more aching for the fact that it wouldn't last. (The Post-Birthday World ~ Lionel Shriver)
It's so beautiful at this hour. The sun is low, the shadows are long, the air is cold and clean. (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ~ Jonathan Safran Foer)
low-flying clouds of red and purple, lit from below with dark gold (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society ~ Mary Ann Shaffer)
a daybreak like a row of sparkling dinner knives (A Long Long Way ~ Sebastian Barry)
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