Start 9.00

It's actually only 81 on my watch but I noticed when I was almost home that the timer wasn't on so must have forgotten to re-start it after a photo pause or something. Probably when removing the slavers from the trio of enthusiastic setters from my hand (my fault, I invited them to come and be patted, even if I didn't specifically ask to be slavered on). Also met a beautiful big blue Dane but was so impressed by him that I completely forgot to take a picture.

The sky was a little brighter than it has been lately but no real breakthrough of the sun. When I got home I counted up the times of the full podcasts I'd listened to on the way and came to 89 minutes - plus there were a few I skimmed through so it's probably more than the 90 minutes but ach, that'll teach me to pay more attention then. I had meant to get up for a pre-dawn run but it was grey and uninviting and I'd been reading till late so ignored the alarm call. The benefit of going out later is that I meet more dogwalkers.

Ok, as a great exception to my general rule, here's a picture for the cat lovers - she was on one of the chairs in the garden when I came home. I suspect from her colour that she's actually a re-incarnation of Max the Wonder Weimeraner and so not really a cat at all...
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