82 min
Start 5.00

I was awake just before the alarm so was (just) able to overcome my reluctance to get up and get dressed to go out. It was only 4 degrees according to my outside thermometer, but wind still so didn't feel all that cold and I even took my gloves off for a while in the middle of the run. I did seem to take ages to warm up though and most of my run was done at a pace and style which reminded me of these women you see swimming whilst keeping their hair dry... I was mincing along, just barely getting my feet off the ground. But ach, I did run all the way and the dog certainly was in fine form, frequently deomonstrating his sprinting techniques and slaloming between trees and just generally behaving like one of those pool show-offs who can do the butterfly stroke. It wasn't till I was leaving the Soesterduinen that some brilliant music came on mYpod, beginning slowly and building up speed, that I finally managed to break into my running version of the crawl. I was even more pleased when I realised it was a techno re-mix of a song I'd heard recently and liked because of the lyrics. I may even get around to looking the band up on myspace
(Over the Wall, 'Settle Down') which I've never done before with any of the good new bands I hear during my runs. (If you click on the link you can visit their site and listen to the track, though it's a shorter version without the great slowly speeding up build up that was on the
Scotland Introducing podcast.)
As always, I was glad I'd got up early after all. It always feels better after a run than before and the pre-dawn light is always more interesting than what comes later.

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