Start 16.00

First over to the windmill via the cemetery. Met an ancient spaniel, blind in one eye and with a wooly blanket on because his back was balding. He was very big for what looked like a Cocker and it turned out he was a cross with a Springer. Went on to do 2 fast circuits. First one 5.50, second 6.00. Although my recovery time is much better than it used to be

(I kept up at full speed for another 2 minutes to get down to the bottom of the hill again) I don't seem to be able to improve the speed at all. Went back to the house to get my camera and spent the rest of the time running about the streets, occasionally stopping to take photos of the various December lights on display. Unfortunately the one of the posh square from yesterday was a bit blurred. I like running at this time as it's almost dark and a lot of the curtains are still open. Lots of nice cooking smells too.
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