76 min
Start 7.45
Still dark when I went out and the snow felt slushy underfoot. By the time we were out at the cyclebridge it had started to snow very lightly and by the road after the Klompenpad there was horizontal white stuff coming at us across the fields.

Had the 'fitmusic' podcast on for most of the run. (Go to the iTunes shop and then podcasts and scroll down to the 'Runners' link and you can find loads of free music with different bpms.) Not as irritating as I feared it might be from the first track with the too insistent housebeat but a bit bland for me really. Too much synthesiser and drummachine for my liking. I'm used to hearing podcasts of varied new music with some interviews in between and this continuous anonymous drone is pretty boring in comparison. Running was steady plodding. Barely out of breath, just keeping going through the heavy weather. Stamina building rather than any attempts at speed. Sproet had a wee sprint now and then but he's got twice as many legs as me.
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