86 min
Start 16.00

Running on snow fairly gets the soles of your shoes clean! They look like new, after spending the last few months mostly being very muddy or at least dirty. Had a great run out to the cycle bridge and back via the Klompenpad.

Running on this sort of snow is a good way to practise running light. It forces you to let your feet 'think' about how to land and to keep you safe they tend to do this on the front of the foot rather than the heel. If you let your body lean forward you get more forward-going momentum. But you have to keep jumping up to keep your feet out of the snow.

This is exactly the method described in
Born to Run. You run by keeping your feet off the ground by jumping upwards and letting your body fall forward. I had to try really hard to keep my mouth shut when I was in the running shop yesterday (getting a calendar for next year) when the man who was letting a customer see his running style on the video they'd just made was telling him how great it was that he landed on his heels. I wanted to tell him

that this is All Wrong and is just a nasty ploy to get us to buy expensive running shoes. I restrained myself to just asking him if he could get Chris McDougall's book in stock. Poor man doesn't know any better yet after all...
Anyway I enjoyed my run in sub-zero temperatures, although on the way back I could have done with thicker gloves as my hands were numb. The rest of me was warm enough with 2 thin layers top and bottom + a reflective vest, neck warmer and hat.
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