woensdag 14 oktober 2009

Start 17.45
Took my Born to Run promotion t-shirt for a test run to make sure there were no annoying seams or threads in it to irritate me while running.
Dry, sunshine, field with freshly cut grass. Decided it was time to try some barefoot running. Soon decided that there were too many hard stubbly bits in the grass and put my shoes on again. Skipped about in the maize stubble fields for a while, choosing the lines with the highest stubs (about mid calf) to jump back and forth over as I ran. Later by the grassy field next to the horse paddocks did 10 minutes barefoot as the grass was softer there. Did make my feet feel... energetic? Did my 2 x 6 minute hill circuits in 11.35 - no doubt much assisted by the enthusiastic lodgerdog tied round my waist. I've realised there's a change in my attitude to running since reading the book. I now enjoy the running itself more. Not just the feeling of having run.

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