Start 7.00
Flying start along the dijk with Sil tearing along at a gallop tied to me. When it was safe to let her off the lead she enjoyed haring (rabbiting?) after rabbits in all directions for a while so that by the time I clipped her on again to go through the nature park bit with the Highland Coos she'd calmed down a lot. Detour round behind the golfcourse on a new path I hadn't taken before and then back on another newly mown path along the canal. Came to a birdwatching tower which I'm sure wasn't there last time I came that way in the canoe.

Hadn't had any breakfast before I went out and felt a wee bit queasy after about 20 minutes but since I'm currently reading about the traumatic wanderings of the Lost Boys of Sudan I told myself not to be such a wimp and carried on and soon felt fine. I had a liquid Power Gel thing with me that I bought in Beversport when I was there getting the mad shoes the other day. I promised myself I could have that after an hour. I wanted to try it to see if it didn't have any bad effects on me as I'm thinking of taking one on the half-marathon next week to give me an energy boost for the second hour. I kept reading about these Carbohydrate Gels in Born to Run and had never heard of them before. At first I even wondered if you were supposed to rub them into your legs as Gel is not something I've ever thought of as edible. It was very tasty and I certainly didn't have any digestive problems with it so I'll take one with me next week.
I was vaguely aware of having used calf and buttock muscles (or just under, top back of thighs) which possibly hadn't had the same use before. Not pain, just an awareness. From Friday's experimental beach run. I did think of having another 10 minutes barefootshoes trial this morning but it was still dark when I left and I just didn't fancy the extra complication of taking them with me and changing shoes for the short stretch of sand.
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